Author: Petkov

Huge Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+ Leaks!

A couple of weeks ago we’ve gathered all the information that was known for the Galaxy S9, but a couple of days ago some huge leaks showed up online, which gave away most of the …

Apple Glowing Logo On iPhone X and 8?

The Apple logo at the rear of their iPhones is definitely a status symbol in many parts of the world. While the logo at the rear is certainly legendary, I still can not understand why …

3 Awesome Gadgets Available Right Now!

The technology market is full of unique gadgets and the actual flow of them hitting the stores never stops! Every year more and more developers put their best to come up with awesome ideas and …

You’ve Never Seen Such Headphones…

As the music industry constantly evolves, the technology products that we use to listen to it evolve as well. We have seen numerous interesting releases, thus including wireless headphones, earbuds, sports-related, gaming and such required …

AirPods For Only $40… Are They Worth It?

The AirPods, which were released not long ago, gained huge attention and people quickly fell for them. Yes, they are great and are actually the best product that Apple has released in a while, but …

Awesome Non-Hyped Gadgets And Tech

It is easy to follow the trends, but most of the times it will cost you a fortune to do it. Most flagship or “Top-selling” things are often overpriced and as soon as you get …

Turning Any Android Phone To iPhone?

When you get a new device you’re pretty much hyped about all the things and features it has. That so-called hype quickly disappears, most often is just a few weeks. Then, in just a couple …

Unboxing A Knock-Off Galaxy S9+

The Samsung Galaxy S8 was a major move by the company and it is actually my favorite phone released in 2017! All the things about it are great, along with the design, specs and the …

Is This $650 Gaming Laptop Worth It ?

Buying a laptop is always a difficult task, especially for die-hard gamers. They always try to get something that will load up any game that’s available right now, but most of the times those machines …

3 Weird Gadgets Of CES 2018…

Last month, we witnessed one of the worlds biggest technology events, in which many new products and about-to-be-released ones were showcased. I am talking about the CES 2018, that happened in Las Vegas and some …